F.A.S.T. – Fundamental Alcohol Safety Training
An Illinois Course for Servers, Managers & Owners of Liquor Establishments
An Expedited Course in Responsible Alcohol Service Approved by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC)
The Fundamental Alcohol Safety Training Program (F.A.S.T.)
Is directed toward all who work in establishments where liquor is served. It will be most beneficial to those directly responsible for serving alcoholic beverages to guests. The acronym F.A.S.T. emphasizes the intent to teach the fundamentals of responsible alcohol service in just-in-time format.
F.A.S.T. LLC., submitted curriculum to the Illinois Liquor Commission regarding alcohol awareness training
This was accepted by our state legislatures and the in-class BASSET certification was officially changed from 6 hours to 4 hours class time. We are committed to working with The Illinois Liquor Commission, appropriate members of the legislative bodies, operators and owners of liquor licenses and any and all groups concerned to help make this state a better and more recognized place for safety, by making a commitment to all of our citizens and their families.
F.A.S.T. accomplishes training in four hours, well within a server’s time and attention span.
F.A.S.T. will ensure more people are trained, will be better equipped and have more confidence to serve alcohol correctly. F.A.S.T. is a more contemporary course.
Learning Objectives:
The goal of this workshop is to provide instruction and practice to servers so they will help their guests drink responsibly and eliminate risks associated with intoxication, including underage drinking, drunk driving, and other forms of illegal, risky behavior.
The major objectives of this program are:
Awareness of liability laws and penalties in Illinois related to establishments, their servers and other employees who serve alcoholic beverages
Review alcohol’s effect on the body, including Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
Review the methods for identification of underage and intoxicated drinkers
Learn the ten principles of Fundamental Alcohol Safety Training to prevent DUI’s, underage drinking and risky behavior
Review the components of an emergency evacuation plan
Expedited training course
Provides both TIPS and BASSET certification in one class
Training provided by recognized leaders in the hospitality business
Works within operations time constraints
Teaches laws, liabilities and solutions
Creative Hospitality Maintains All Training Records
The State of Illinois Insurance Providers grants bars, restaurants and hotels a break on their insurance rates for having a Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) program in place and assuring that their staff is trained. Delaware, Nebraska, New Mexico, Arizona, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Alabama and Michigan all currently have mandatory RBS policies on the books.
The broad-based Building Responsibility Coalition headed by Tracy Bachman along with Tom Workman, Ph.D., associate director of the NU Directions Project spoke at a recent Alcohol Policy 13 conference, held in Cambridge, Mass., Workman said, “It’s agreed that server training should be done, but cost and high turnover made an all day training program impossible.”
The Solution:
Creative Hospitality accomplishes all training in an expedited and precise manner, well within a server’s time and attention span.
Creative Hospitality mission is to ensure more people are trained, will be better equipped and have more confidence to serve alcohol correctly.
Creative Hospitality alcohol awareness training is recognized by the ILCC. Just as you require your servers to wear safety shoes, uniforms and exhibit proper hygiene, the knowledge to responsibly serve alcohol and protect your business should be a condition of employment.