John Buchanan
– President, Lettuce (Entertain You) Consulting Group says:
When Lettuce isn’t able to take on a new project, I’m confident recommending Creative Hospitality as an alternative to the prospective client. I’ve always gotten great feedback from the clients I’ve referred to them.

Peter Liguori
– President, Hyatt Gaming , Inc. says:
Creative Hospitality’s passion and expertise in food and beverage operations was quite evident when we asked them to evaluate The Grand Victoria in Rising Sun, Indiana. Their analysis and assessment will provide a road map that our management can embrace for success.

James Berg
– Partner, Bistro Bella Vita says:
With Creative Hospitality’s help, we were able to increase revenues by more than 30% but better yet we lowered our overall costs, became profitable and are now a thriving trend setter in Grand Rapids.

Carmello Tenuta
– General Partner of Tenuta’s Restaurants, Inc. says:
Creative Hospitality provided my family with the organizational structure needed to expand and grow. Our company has tripled in size and has continued to be profitable as we expand. Creative Hospitality provided a pathway to profitability.